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jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010



I chose this topic because today it is very important to speak English, and in my opinion verbs are the base of English, if you can learn them you can continue studying. I also chise this topic because I think I can explain it and in an entertaining way. At first, the goal is not prfection, but communication in our daily life. We are happy to communicate meeting new people. My methodology is to learn by playing, because my blog is made for young children. The important thing is to use what you learn. The objecive of the lesson is to learn a lot of different verbs and help you in English. The idea of the blog is to teach to children some verbs like read, play, sleep, etc. With pictures, exercises and songs. It`s easily to learn when you can practice on a didactic page learning. Verbs in English is important, if you don´t know the basic words, it´s more complicated to continue with the rest. Verbs are very important, for example, when you travel abroad, you need to use verbs to communicate, or when you make business with foreigners.
Visit my blog, you will learn much than a book!


A method to learn the most common verbs is to use the restraint system through sounds and images. Another option is to copy the verbs in a card with its translation.
In a text, there are many verbs; they can be in infinitive, past simple, past participle and ing form. Also the verbs are divided into regular and irregular, and the difference is in the past verbs. Generally regular verbs (when they are in past) end with ED, for example:
  • Helen invited me to her party.
And irregular, depend on each verb. To understand better, we´ll give you a table with some verbs.

  • Irregular verbs:

  • Regular verbs:

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